Simple Genetic Algorithm problem¶
In this first problem, we will apply the GA of Holland without using almost any libraries, just raw python.
We will try to achieve a target individual known from the start.
In this problem we will use just the random library
import random
GA Parameters¶
Every GA problem is based on some mandatory parameters such as Number of genes, Population size, Mutation rate and Crossover rate
For this problem we need additional parameters for the selection algorithm and our Target chromosome
TARGET_CHROMOSOME = [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0] TOURNAMENT_SELECTION_SIZE = 4
We need to model our Chromosome (individual) by a class, that contain the genes and the fitness
class Chromosome: '''Chromosome Init''' def __init__(self): self.genes = [] = 0 i = 0 while i < NB_GENES: self.genes.append(random.randint(0,1)) i += 1 '''Chromosome Get Value''' def get_genes(self): return self.genes '''Chromosome Fitness''' def get_fitness(self): # this init is very important = 0 for i in range(NB_GENES): if(self.genes[i] == TARGET_CHROMOSOME[i]): += 1 return def __str__(self): return self.genes.__str__()
After definig our chromosome, we need to define our Population class.
class Population: '''Population Init''' def __init__(self, size): self.chromosomes = [] i = 0 while i < size : self.chromosomes.append( Chromosome() ) i += 1 self.chromosomes.sort(key=lambda x: x.get_fitness(), reverse=True) '''Get All Population Chromosomes''' def get_chromosomes(self): return self.chromosomes def print_population(self, gen_number): print("\n-----------------------Generation Summary---------------------------") print("--------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Generation #", gen_number, "| Fittest chromosome fitness:", self.get_chromosomes()[0].get_fitness()) print("Target chromosome", TARGET_CHROMOSOME) print("--------------------------------------------------------------------") i = 0 for x in self.get_chromosomes(): print("Chromosome #",i," :",x,"| Fitness", x.get_fitness()) i += 1
Genetic Algorithm Core¶
the kernel of the genetic algorithm consist of selecting the good individual, making the crossing and mutate them in order to produce a better generation. All of that goes in our next class called GeneticAlgorithm, contains only static methods (optional), because we don't need an object of GeneticAlgorithm Type.
In this Algorithm example, we will use the tournament selection.
@staticmethod def select_tournament(pop): tournament_pop = Population(0) i = 0 while i < TOURNAMENT_SELECTION_SIZE : tournament_pop.get_chromosomes().append(pop.get_chromosomes()[random.randrange(0,POPULATION_SIZE)]) i += 1 tournament_pop.get_chromosomes().sort(key=lambda x: x.get_fitness(), reverse=True) return tournament_pop.get_chromosomes()[0]
We can define and use another type of selection , which is the Wheel Selection.
@staticmethod def select_Wheel(pop): partialSum = 0 sumFitness = 0 for chromosome in pop.get_chromosomes(): sumFitness += chromosome.get_fitness() randomShot = random.random() * sumFitness i = -1 while partialSum < randomShot and i < POPULATION_SIZE-1 : i += 1 partialSum += pop.get_chromosomes()[i].get_fitness() return pop.get_chromosomes()[i]
In this Algorithm example, we will use the One Point crossover.
@staticmethod def crossover_chromosomes(parent1, parent2): if random.random() < CROSSING_RATE: child1 = Chromosome() child2 = Chromosome() '''One Point Cross Over''' index = random.randrange(1, NB_GENES) child1.genes = parent1.get_genes()[:index] + parent2.get_genes()[index:] child2.genes = parent2.get_genes()[:index] + parent1.get_genes()[index:] print("\nMaking a cross") print("Parent1: ",parent1.get_genes()) print("Parent2: ",parent2.get_genes()) print("Child1 : ", child1.get_genes()) print("Child1 : ", child2.get_genes()) return child1, child2 else: return parent1, parent2
In this Algorithm example, we will use the One Bit Flip.
@staticmethod def mutate_chromosome(chromosome): if random.random() < MUTATION_RATE: print("\nMaking a mutation") print("From: ",chromosome.get_genes()) random_bit_position = random.randrange(0,NB_GENES) if chromosome.get_genes()[random_bit_position] == 0: chromosome.get_genes()[random_bit_position] = 1 else: chromosome.get_genes()[random_bit_position] = 0 print("To: ",chromosome.get_genes())
Evolve the population¶
In this method we will evolve our generation by using the selection, crossover and the mutation.
'''Population evolution Cross Over --> Mutation''' @staticmethod def evolve(pop): new_pop = Population(0) #'''Keep The Fittests Chromosomes''' #for i in range(NUMBER_OF_ELITE_CHROMOSOMES): # new_pop.get_chromosomes().append(pop.get_chromosomes()[i]) print("\nCrossover and Mutation Trace:") while new_pop.get_chromosomes().__len__() < POPULATION_SIZE: parent1 = GeneticAlgorithm.select_tournament(pop) parent2 = GeneticAlgorithm.select_tournament(pop) child1, child2 = GeneticAlgorithm.crossover_chromosomes(parent1, parent2) GeneticAlgorithm.mutate_chromosome(child1) GeneticAlgorithm.mutate_chromosome(child2) new_pop.get_chromosomes().append(child1) # make sure to not depass the population size if we keep the elite if len(new_pop.get_chromosomes()) < POPULATION_SIZE: new_pop.get_chromosomes().append(child2) new_pop.get_chromosomes().sort(key=lambda x: x.get_fitness(), reverse=True) return new_pop
Main program¶
After definig all our classes and methods, we will run our main program
generation_number = 0 MAX_FITNESS = TARGET_CHROMOSOME.__len__() population = Population(POPULATION_SIZE) population.print_population(generation_number) while population.get_chromosomes()[0].get_fitness() < MAX_FITNESS : generation_number += 1 population = GeneticAlgorithm.evolve(population) population.print_population(generation_number)